Liczba postów: 6
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Dołączył: 09.04.2015
Dzień dobry,
Excuse me for my English, unfortunately I can't speak Polish.
I'm Maarten and I'm from the Netherlands, and this summer we ( me and some friends ) want to travel to Poznań. We stay in Poznań a week in July. I've been in Poland 2 times before (Krakow and Poznań) , and to be honest: I love Poland! Anyway, we want to take some pictures of trains. We've planned 4 days for taking pictures of trains.
We saw some beautiful pictures from Gorzow Wlkp, so we want to go there. But what can we expect there? I've seen a lot of pictures with SU45, SU32, etc, but do those trains still ride there? Or is it replaced with newer trains? I also saw pictures with freight trains, so how much freight trains can we expect there?
We've also planned a day in to Warszawa. I've searched for train pictures from Warszawa, but I couldn't find more pictures than boring platform-pictures on Warszawa Centralna. So are there any beautiful photolocations in Warszawa we really have to visit?
We've 2 days left to take photos, so what are other must-see photo-locations in the neighbourhood of Poznań? (max +/- 75KM) We love the old trains, or trains with locomotive + coaches, so where can we find some nice photo-locations for taking photo's of those trains?
As said, unfortunately I can't speak Polish. I can understand and read Polish, so if you want to reply in Polish, no problem. Also German is no problem. (Deutsch ist kein problem). :-)
Thanks for your replies!
Liczba postów: 7 986
Liczba wątków: 232
Dołączył: 20.04.2011
What type of trains are you interested in? Freight trains or a passengers? Here is many places to take a photo. Of course you can go to the smallest Poznan's stations (for example Starołęka, Garbary) or go to the nearest villages.
Many trains you can "catch" for example in Palędzie / Skórzewo (line E20 Poznan - Berlin), Gądki / Środa Wlkp. (line Poznań - Kluczbork), Swarzędz (line E20 Warszawa - Poznan), Kiekrz (line Poznań - Szczecin).
Liczba postów: 6
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Dołączył: 09.04.2015
Thanks for your reply and tips!
We are interested in the older locomotives in Poland, like the SU45, SP32, SM42, EU06, etc. It doesn't matter if its freight or passengers, we like them both. If its passenger, we like the trains with a loc + coaches (not those multiple units like the EN57, ED78 etc.) We especially like the diesel-locomotives like the SU45, SP32, etc. with a max of 3 coaches behind it. We hope we can find that in Gorzow Wlkp., but are there other places near Poznan where we can find an atmosphere (no overhead line, old signals, overgrown tracks etc.) similar to the 'Ostbahn'?
Liczba postów: 7 986
Liczba wątków: 232
Dołączył: 20.04.2011
With this type of locomotives will be many problems because now not much locomotives are in planning.
SU45 / SP32 mayby you can find in Gorzow Wlkp. / Krzyz Wlkp. with TLK Gorzowiak train (Gorzow Wlkp. - Warszawa), SM42 is a popular but now in Poznan is one popular (in yellow color) locomotive SU42-506. In Krzyz mayby you can find the second (in brown color): SM42-523.
Old signals you can find in line from Lubon k/Poznania to Wolsztyn (for example Szreniawa, Steszew, Grodzisk Wlkp. stations).
Liczba postów: 1 558
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Dołączył: 15.11.2014
You should catch SU42-504, SU42-536, SP32-201 and SP32-202 in Poznań Główny. Some SM42 also :-). It's big station so You may "run" over the platform's but You can't catch anything :-). You can also catch EU07, EP08, EP09 and EU44(Siemens Eurosprinter Taurus) few times per day in Berlin - Warszawa Express BWE. At Poznań Główny, You can't catch cargo trains - it's passenger station. At Poznań Franowo maybe some T448p in DB Shenker colors, and SM42, ET22 and also some EU07, Siemens Eurosprinter, Siemens Vectron. Maybe TEM2... On Poznań Wschód sometimes TEM2, SM42, M62/ST44, T448p.
If You go to The Poznań Starołęka, You be able to catch many passenger and cargo trains at one station. In Wolsztyn You have Steam locomotive depot. Wolsztyn is on the same route as Stęszew, Szreniawa - You have there many old signals. Maybe You should go to the Leszno. Few Years ago You can catch there SM31, SM42, SU45, but maybe some of members living in Leszno tell You what sort of locomotives are today.
Best Regards
Liczba postów: 715
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Dołączył: 03.07.2012
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Dołączył: 09.04.2015
Hmm, so you have to be lucky with those old locomotives. Thanks for that line, I'm going to search for some photo locations!  Btw, are there still steam locomotives between Poznan and Wolsztyn on that line? I came across this website ( ) and it says there are still some steam trains, but they don't drive every day anymore.
I've been to Poznan last year also, but I haven't seen any SU45, SM42 etc there. I saw a SP32 there, but that was the only diesel locomotive there. We've also been to Poznan Franowo, that's a very nice spot for freight trains indeed. I also saw some pictures from Poznań Starołęka, so we'll probably spend another afternoon there.
I did some research for photo locations near Leszno and that looks a very nice place to go indeed. I've seen some potential photo locations in the neighbourhood of Leszno, so maybe we'll go there.
Btw, you said these locomotives are on PKP Cargo territory. Is it legal to go there and just take pictures? I've been to Krzyz, to the workshop there, and we were not allowed to go further when we came across some workers there. But on the other hand, we've also been to Poznan Franowo (which seemed also like PKP territory) (we were here ) but we had totally no problems there. So what is legal to do in Poland concerning entering a PKP territory and what not?
Liczba postów: 476
Liczba wątków: 11
Dołączył: 17.09.2014
Skoro piszesz że mogę odpowiadać po polsku, to opiszę sytuację z Gorzowa. W tym momencie pociągi pasażerskie obsługiwane są przez szynobusy, poza czasem Woodstocku i składem TLK Gorzowiak zwykle z SU45 i 5/6 zwykłych klasycznych wagonów. A z towarami to jest dość różnie. W tygodniu zwykle 2 sztuki SM42, a w weekendy brak lokomotyw.
Liczba postów: 6
Liczba wątków: 1
Dołączył: 09.04.2015
Thank you! Hmm, okay, so a SU-45, SM42 etc. is very unlikely. You said nowadays there are multiple units in service. What multiple units are common there? Should I think of SA105, SA139 or something like that? I know the SU45 is in service during woodstock. Unfortunately, we are coming to Poznan in July, and not august (when the woodstock trains are in service..)
By the way, I saw a TLK from Warszawa Centralna to Gorzow. I've found the timetable, and we want to take a photo of it in Krzyz. I saw this train is driven by a SP32 with 2 to 4 coaches. Nowadays, does this train (so the TLK with the SP32) still drive? Or is the SP32 already replaced by a multiple unit?
Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it. You help me a lot!
Liczba postów: 476
Liczba wątków: 11
Dołączył: 17.09.2014
W tym momencie TLK jest prowadzony od Krzyża zawsze SU45, początkowo mówili o SP32, ale od pierwszego dnia kursuje na SU45. Z szynobusów w tym momencie kursują: SA133-003,SA133-006, SA134-020,SA134-021.
Co do składów na Woodstock, to pojawiają się one przeważnie ok. 5-7 dni przed festiwalem, tj. ok 25 lipca powinny już śmigać.
Jeśli coś jeszcze chcesz wiedzieć to pisz śmiało.
Pozdrawiam, Erap2
Liczba postów: 6
Liczba wątków: 1
Dołączył: 09.04.2015
Thank you! Hmm, well, that's nice! I prefer a SU45 above the SP32, so I'm satisfied with that!  4 multiple units? Are that all the multiple units for the trains for the directions Zbąszynek, Krzyż and Kostrzyn nad Odrą? So are there only 4 multiple units required for those trains? We leave Poland the 22th of July, so we will not see those Woodstock-trains if I understood you right.
Uhmm, for now I have one question. The TLK from Warszawa Centralna to Gorzów Wielkopolski vv (that train is called TLK Gorzowiak, right?), does that train changes locomotive 2 times? One time in Poznań Główny (EU07 > Vectron) and one time in Krzyż? (Vectron > SU45) I saw in the timetable there was a longer stop as well in Poznań Główny as in Krzyż. Or does this train go from Warszawa to Gorzów Wlkp. all the way with an SU45?
Thanks for your replies! :-D
Liczba postów: 7 986
Liczba wątków: 232
Dołączył: 20.04.2011
TLK Gorzowiak change locomotive in Krzyz (SU45 / SP32 -> EU07), and in Poznan (EU07 -> EP09/EP08). When it comes back from Warsaw locomotives change in Poznan (X4EC -> EU07) and in Krzyz (EU07 -> SU45 / SP32).
Liczba postów: 476
Liczba wątków: 11
Dołączył: 17.09.2014
Mearten279, Aha, i zapomniałbym o szynobusach do Zielonej Góry, tam kursują SA139-003, SA139-004 i SA139-005, oraz do Zbąszynka SA105 (głównie SA105-105, choć jeździł też SA105-101)
Liczba postów: 6
Liczba wątków: 1
Dołączył: 09.04.2015
@ pitagoras23
Thank you for the information! We know enough about the TLK Gorzowiak now, you helped me a lot!
@ erap2
Thank you! We know now what we can expect there. Thanks for the information you gave us!
Uhmm, I have another question.. We come from the Netherlands, and we know there are some so-called 'Wadlopers' in Poland (I don't know if in Poland they're also called Wadloper). We like to take some pictures of it in Poland, but can anyone tell me wether they are in service nowadays or not. I saw on Wikipedia they were in service by Przewozy Regionalne, Koleje Mazowieckie and Koleje Śląskie. And where can we find those 'Wadlopers'? (or when they're out of service, where are they parked?)